Current Achievements

No one ever said this was going to be easy and these clients have shown what is possible with hard work and dedication.

Hyland’s make major changes

Steve and Lorraine have made some major changes and have both been ever present at the 9am class throughout 2018, between them they have now lost over 140 lbs.

Joe 2018

A great year by Joe, what a transformation we saw in only a few months, well done Joe!

Strongest male client of the month

Strongest Male - Tim Barton Tim is our Mr Motivator, he loves to help others and give them positive reinforcement and creates a great atmosphere when he is in the gym. Tim always loves a [...]

Strongest female client of the month

Strongest Female - Lorraine Hyland Lorraine has seen such amazing changes over the two years she has been attending FastTrack. Last year Lorraine was our biggest loser, losing over 70 lbs and her fitness and [...]

Fittest Male Client Of The Month

Fittest Male Client Name - Greg Weber Greg has been attending FastTrack 4-6 days a week for the last 2.5 years. Greg is so fit and has the all time record distances in 7 of the [...]

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“ The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.”


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